Babe yells at his hole-mate, Replacement Julian, to mind the line. Also, is it me, or does Gordon have the most awesome voice? Like some very seductive Southern Jack Nicholson, only better looking. Gordon jokes about looking upstairs in the study, for which I am grateful, cause there’s precious little comic relief in this episode. He needs morphine and bandages, but what he’s really focused on is the sizzuhs. Dike wanders in to snap at them about occupying the same location, and then barks for Lipton, who graciously escorts him back to his hidey hole.Īfter a pause to talk to Guarnere about some urinary issues, Gene makes the rounds to the foxholes. Gene finds Spina, the other medic with 2nd Battalion, and gives him the German bandage. I continue to be amazed at how well these actors did with the various American accents they adopted. I’m no expert on regional accents, but even I could tell that this was a Louisiana accent, which means he didn’t do a half-bad job. When Gene says “morphine” I’m reminded of the first time I watched this episode. He tried to find 3rd Battalion, but got lost. Gene tells Winters that he’s got no plasma, few bandages and little morphine. There is no Santa Claus, and none of your dogs went to live on farms.” He walks around, popping everybody’s balloons, then jumps into his jeep and drives away. All your girlfriends wrote to me and said they’re breaking up with you.

1st Battalion just pulled out of Foy with Krauts on their tail - tanks, artillery - there’s a lot of shit headed this way. “Hold the line close the gaps you’re fogged in so don’t expect air cover. What the General thinks is a mystery, because he responds as if he’s in a different conversation entirely.

He plugged the hole with a squad from 2nd Battalion, and whatcha think of me now? Which is that he decided to walk the line at 0300 and did not find the 501st on their right flank, where they should have been. Nix looks sheepish, yet says that, yes, he does have something for the General. Sink greets him with only slight irony, dropping that this, ahem, is General McAuliffe and does the Captain have anything he’d like to add. He crawls out of his hole like a seven-year-old wakes up in the morning, all rumpled and bed-headed and sleepy-faced. :-D And again demonstrates why we love Nixon much better than (my) words can say. There’s a rustle of burlap and Nixon appears. Winters sings: Ain’t go no food Ain’t got no clothes Ain’t got no ammo Ain’t got no aid station. They’re in a standoff at the edge of the forest. Strayer reports that they’re gaining ground in some areas and losing in others. Sink drives up with General McAuliffe, acting Division commander. "Kommen sie hier! Schnell!" Winters strips the German of his German bandage, tosses it to Gene, and dispatches the soldier to Regiment. A German is taking his morning constitutional a little too close to 2nd Battalion. He whispers to Gene to get down, leaves the hole and approaches the sound. He hears a twig snap, just as Gene approaches his hole. That’s my boy! Just when you think Winters can’t get any more awesome, he does something like this.ĭick is shivering and shaving. The men are living in dirt holes in a freezing forest and Dick Winters is shaving. Those of you who know my general distaste for facial hair can imagine my delight. He backtracks carefully and retreats to 2nd.ĭick Winters breaks the ice covering a pan of water. He walks into an array of dead Germans, covered lightly with snow. Gene is looking for 3rd Battalion, to replenish medical supplies. He stoops to investigate something in the snow and cuts his finger.

MarymaryDo me a favor, grab a pair of scissors before you come in?Īll pictures from a picpams by totallybalancedand tasteofblame.