He climbs his way up Talonreach until he reaches an Old One facility at the top, where he is forced to fight the Thunderjaw. Upon reaching the top, Ryas finds a sign left behind by Urid indicating he is following a Thunderjaw to the nearby peak Talonreach. Ryas climbs the nearby Brightdawn mountain to retrieve the needed parts from a Scrapper before proceeding further up the Sunspear. Ryas makes his way up the Sunspear and rescues a stranded Oseram engineer named Radel, who informs him that he cannot progress further up the Sunspear until the main elevator is repaired. Ryas reluctantly agrees, and Aloy guides him to the Sunspear before departing on her own mission.
Marad offers Ryas a full pardon in return for climbing the Sunspear, finding Urid, and investigating the machines. Ryas' older brother Urid decided to climb a nearby mountain, the Sunspear, in order to find the cause the machine attacks but he has failed to return. Marad explains that the machines around Dawn's Grasp have suddenly become highly aggressive and are constantly attacking the settlement. Ryas, a former Shadow Carja rebel once known as the "Shadow of Itamen", is released from prison and brought to the settlement Dawn's Grasp, where he is met by Blameless Marad and Aloy. In addition to the main story, the game features a scenic mode named "Machine Safari", a guided tour of the game's landscape. As the player progresses in the game, they will unlock additional tools and gears, allowing players to be more efficient in both exploration and combat.

While the game is largely linear, there are multiple paths for players to explore and approach their objectives. Described as "a master at climbing and archery", Ryas, the game's protagonist, is equipped with a hunter bow which can be used to defeat various robotic creatures in the game. The game is played from a first-person perspective. Part of the Horizon series, the game was released on Februas a launch title for the PlayStation VR2 virtual reality headset. Horizon Call of the Mountain is an action-adventure video game developed by Guerrilla Games and Firesprite and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 5.